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The tour usually starts in the morning, some time between 7 and 10 am, depending on your preference. We will collect you from your hotel in Shiraz and together we will drive to Marvdasht, circa 52km away. En route, we will listen to some Persian music to help you relax, while enjoying the scenery along the way. It is a pleasant 50-minute drive from Shiraz past the landscape of rugged mountains and rustic farms.
If you haven’t had breakfast, let us know, and we can stop for some snacks and drinks. The region is famous for its orchards and farms and we can also buy fresh locally produced fruit for your morning meal.
Welcome to Persepolis! Construction of this Achaemenid ceremonial capital and architectural masterpiece of the Persian Empire, began in 518 BCE at the order of Darius the Great, whose successors had over time expanded the site and contributed to its splendour.

Practical details

Approx. duration: 5-6 hours

Price 1 person – €46
Price 2 persons – €50
Price 3 persons – €60
Price 4 persons – €70

Site entrance fee – 500,000 rials
Secure your tour in advance with just €5 by transferring money from anywhere around the world to my European bank account.

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